Discerning The Devil's Playbook (Part 2)

This study is based on the sermon titled Discerning The Devil's Playbook (Part 2) by Matthew Maher below. This sermon is part of our Discerning The Devil's Playbook series.
This mini sermon series is based on Matthew Maher's new booklet available on Amazon called "Discerning The Devil's Playbook: The Four Plays From Nazi Germany Currently At Play In America."

Sermon Study

In this sermon, Pastor Matthew Maher leads us through a powerful call to discernment in a world filled with deception. Drawing parallels between Nazi Germany and current societal trends, he shows how the enemy uses tactics such as contradicting truth, controlling the narrative, creating division to groups, and targeting the youth. As believers, we must be wise to these schemes, standing firm on the truth of God's Word. The Bible equips us not only to recognize the lies but also to bring light into the darkness. Our world may be hostile, but as followers of Christ, we are called to be both wise and harmless—sharp in our discernment yet gentle in our approach.

The historical examples shared remind us that when truth is manipulated and division is stoked, societies collapse, as seen in Nazi Germany. The same plays are being repeated today, with fearmongering and propaganda leading to deep societal divisions. Pastor Maher warns that if we, like the Germans, fall prey to these tactics, we too could lose our freedoms. Yet, the answer lies not in fear, but in faith. We are to stay grounded in the Good Shepherd, who gives us life and truth. By being vigilant and discerning, we can resist the lies and preserve the unity of the church amidst a culture of chaos.

Applying these truths to our lives starts with staying anchored in the Bible, not allowing ourselves to be swayed by worldly narratives. We must guard our youth from secular indoctrination, understanding that their hearts and minds are a battleground. As the church, we are entrusted with the task of shepherding not just our own souls but also future generations. Our response to the enemy's tactics should be to draw closer to Christ, trust in His wisdom, and shine His light in the darkest of places.

Discussion Questions

  • What does it mean to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16) in today’s cultural context? How can we identify and resist the "wolves" among us who may be disguised as leaders?
  • In a world full of deceit, what steps can we take to ensure we are continually shepherded by the Bible? (Consider 2 Timothy 2:15).

  • How does the historical context of Nazi Germany help us recognize similar patterns in our society today? How can we remain discerning without falling into fear or cynicism?

  • Using John 10:1-30, compare the hireling (a hired hand) with the shepherd (a higher heart). How can we, as followers of Christ, cultivate a shepherd’s heart in our own lives?

Follow Up Questions

  • Reflect on Matthew 12:25. How does division within a society or even within ourselves lead to destruction? How did Hitler use division to his advantage, and how can the church respond to the enemy's attempts to divide us today (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

  • In what ways does Daniel 1:4 show the enemy’s tactic of reshaping the youth? How can families and churches equip the next generation to resist secular indoctrination and stay firm in biblical truth (Proverbs 22:6; Deuteronomy 6:4-9)?


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