Discerning The Devil's Playbook (Part 1)

This study is based on the sermon titled Discerning The Devil's Playbook (Part 1) by Matthew Maher below. This sermon is part of our Discerning The Devil's Playbook series.
This mini sermon series is based on Matthew Maher's new booklet available on Amazon called "Discerning The Devil's Playbook: The Four Plays From Nazi Germany Currently At Play In America."

Sermon Study

In "Discerning the Devil's Playbook," Pastor Matthew Maher explores the cunning strategies used by the enemy to undermine God’s authority and deceive humanity. Drawing from Genesis 3:1, he reveals how Satan's first recorded words, "Has God indeed said?" were an attack on divine truth. This tactic remains active today, as the devil seeks to blur the lines between right and wrong by contradicting God’s Word. Without the clarity of truth, as Proverbs 29:18 warns, society is left in chaos. This was evident in Nazi Germany when the church was neutralized, allowing the state to contradict biblical principles. Similarly, today’s culture has seen a coarsening of society as absolute truths are rejected, and morality becomes fluid.

The second play from the enemy's strategy is control—particularly of information. Pastor Maher highlights Genesis 11:1-4, where humanity’s unified rebellion at the Tower of Babel reflects the power of propaganda to distort truth and defy God’s authority. In modern times, the media functions similarly, often spreading confusion and promoting agendas that contradict biblical values. Nazi Germany mastered this tactic, using propaganda to manipulate the public’s perception of good and evil. Today, six corporations control the majority of media in America, making it essential for believers to remain vigilant. As Pastor Maher notes, fact-checkers can sometimes be “Lie Protectors,” but the Holy Spirit acts as our ultimate “lie detector,” helping us navigate a world filled with misinformation.

For believers, the solution is to return to the solid foundation of God's Word. The church, as described in 1 Timothy 3:15, is the "pillar and ground of the truth," tasked with standing firm against deception. In the face of cultural pressure, believers must be unshakable in their convictions, discerning the devil's schemes through prayer and study of Scripture. Like Bonhoeffer during Nazi Germany, we are called to sound the alarm, live by the Good News, and expose lies with the light of Christ. This practical stance allows us to engage with the culture thoughtfully and courageously, always guided by the truth of God.

Discussion Questions

  • In Genesis 3:1, the serpent questions God’s command, asking, "Has God indeed said...?" What does this reveal about the devil's tactics to challenge divine authority, and how do we see similar challenges today?

  • Proverbs 29:18 warns that without revelation, society falls into disorder. How does the absence of biblical truth contribute to the moral and cultural chaos we see in the world, and how can we restore order through God’s Word?

  • What are some examples in today’s society where biblical principles have been disregarded, leading to confusion, as described in Isaiah 5:20? How can we apply wisdom from Scripture to address these challenges?

  • The Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 serves as a historical example of propaganda used to defy God. How do modern media and propaganda create a false sense of unity based on lies, and how can Christians effectively discern and counter these influences?

  • 1 Timothy 3:15 describes the church as the "pillar and ground of the truth." How can the church actively engage in defending and promoting biblical truth, especially when cultural pressures push against Christian values?

Follow Up Questions

  • Why is contradicting the truth a critical first move for the enemy? How did Hitler ensure the church wouldn’t oppose his agenda, and what can we learn from this for today?

  • How does Genesis 11:1-4 highlight the use of propaganda to challenge God’s authority, and what tools do Christians have to critically engage with modern media? (Ephesians 6:10-18, Ephesians 5:11)
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