Jon & Kelly Buthy

FCA Area Representative

Jon grew up in Olney, Maryland. He attended Montrose Christian School where he played varsity baseball. Jon studied business management at Montgomery College while working full-time at CVS Pharmacy, where he met his wife, Kelly. They got married in June of 2000. Jon & Kelly both grew up having a Catholic background, but no real relationship with God. After many years of infertility, Kelly got pregnant with their first daughter, Brigid. Three years later, after continued infertility and a miscarriage, Kelly became pregnant with twins, Hunter, and Holly. They were born 16 weeks early, and after only eight months, they lost Hunter following flu shot complications and Jon & Kelly were devastated. Jon’s relationship with God grew after losing Hunter, and he surrendered his life to Christ shortly after that. Jon immediately wanted to share this amazing gift of salvation with everyone he met. He and Kelly began teaching weekly Bible classes and Jon co-directed the Hoping Team Addiction Ministry at Lighthouse Church for 5 years. In 2019, a full-time Fellowship of Athletes (FCA) staff position became available, and Jon jumped at the chance to spread the Gospel full-time. God has given Jon this amazing opportunity to share the Gospel and he is honored to make this his focus. Now that Jon is on staff with FCA, his key objective is to connect Christ to the community by partnering with local schools and churches, and to build relationships with the Christian coaches and athletes. It is through these relationships that he has the amazing opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Cape May County and Atlantic County public schools! On June 16, 2022, God blessed Jon and Kelly with a baby boy, Shiloh Hunter Buthy!!
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