Alejandro & Lauren Tipaz

Commission to Every Nation (CTEN)

Lauren (Pupchik) and Alejandro Tipaz serve in  Guatemala with Commission To Every Nation. Lauren  has been serving full time in Guatemala since 2003.  Lauren is a Jersey girl who grew up in Sicklerville, NJ  and Alejandro is proud of his Mayan Guatemalan  heritage. They were married in 2019 and have two  children, Caroline and Benjamin. Lauren’s passion is to  teach the Bible with a focus on experiencing our  Heavenly Father’s transforming love through Jesus  Christ. Alejandro uses his gifts in construction to build  homes for families who are in need of a safe place to  live. Together they minister in San Lorenzo, Guatemala  at the Servant Harts Ministry Center where pregnant  women and new moms with babies ages newborn to  two years old receive quality prenatal and ongoing  medical care, holistic health education, solid biblical  teaching and Christ-centered counseling.

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