Biblical Apologetics (Class): Week 1

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Watch the Class: Week 1 Session
Who, What, & Why
Session Content
Scripture & Definitions
1 Peter 3:15
ESV “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,”
Jude 1:3
ESV “Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.”
What is “Presuppositional Apologetics?”
Presuppositionalism is an epistemological (the study of the method and grounds of knowledge) school of Christian apologetics that examines the presuppositions on which worldviews are based, and invites comparison and contrast between the results of those presuppositions. A Presupposition is: an act of presupposing or an assumption made in advance : a preliminary supposition
ESV “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,”
Jude 1:3
ESV “Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.”
What is “Presuppositional Apologetics?”
Presuppositionalism is an epistemological (the study of the method and grounds of knowledge) school of Christian apologetics that examines the presuppositions on which worldviews are based, and invites comparison and contrast between the results of those presuppositions. A Presupposition is: an act of presupposing or an assumption made in advance : a preliminary supposition
Overview & Purpose
The goal of every encounter we have, throughout our lives as Christians, with other people is to share the Gospel with the lost so that they would come to know Christ, be rescued from eternal damnation, and live a life of grateful servitude. The other goal is to educate the found through knowledge by working through the scriptures to strengthen their faith, hope, and love to serve Christ and edify the body.
Sometimes it is necessary through the course of our walk as Christians to stand firm in the faith and make a defense of it. But, unfortunately, the Gospel we want to share is sometimes not received with loving arms or enthusiastic responses. Sometimes it is just the opposite. In these cases, a defense is sometimes needed to soften the mind to reach the heart.
Apologetics is never a substitute for the Gospel, nor will it transform anyone’s heart. Still, it can prepare and calm the mind for the eventual and deliberate proclamation of the Gospel, which has true life-saving power! Apologetics is more than arguing to be right or being able to best an opponent with a contrition of words. It shows the person that you are engaged with them and are willing to spend time with them in open and logical debate while answering questions sober, mindful, and firmly.
In the coming presentation, we will identify and explain scripture’s key elements and debate methods for apologetics. We never leave the arena of faith and belief where God reigns supreme, and we are defiled by sin; we will discuss how to engage people in the reality of the situation, as it is our responsibility to address this in our encounters and come full circle back to the Gospel. To the Glory of God!
Sometimes it is necessary through the course of our walk as Christians to stand firm in the faith and make a defense of it. But, unfortunately, the Gospel we want to share is sometimes not received with loving arms or enthusiastic responses. Sometimes it is just the opposite. In these cases, a defense is sometimes needed to soften the mind to reach the heart.
Apologetics is never a substitute for the Gospel, nor will it transform anyone’s heart. Still, it can prepare and calm the mind for the eventual and deliberate proclamation of the Gospel, which has true life-saving power! Apologetics is more than arguing to be right or being able to best an opponent with a contrition of words. It shows the person that you are engaged with them and are willing to spend time with them in open and logical debate while answering questions sober, mindful, and firmly.
In the coming presentation, we will identify and explain scripture’s key elements and debate methods for apologetics. We never leave the arena of faith and belief where God reigns supreme, and we are defiled by sin; we will discuss how to engage people in the reality of the situation, as it is our responsibility to address this in our encounters and come full circle back to the Gospel. To the Glory of God!
Objectives for This Class
- Learn the method of Presuppositional Apologetics with the intent of sharing the Gospel.
- Gain a deeper understanding of Scripture in order to be equipped to defend your faith.
- To become comfortable and confident in most settings to engage someone and share the gospel with them.
Week 1 Content
When engaging in Biblical Apologetics, it's essential to understand the significance of ethos – the credibility and moral character of the person presenting the faith. Without a doubt, our ethos plays a central role in defending our faith effectively. To illustrate this point, let's explore two key aspects:
Apostle Paul's Example:
In 1 Thessalonians 1:6-9, we find an excellent example of how our ethos impacts the effectiveness of our apologetic endeavors. Paul commends the Thessalonian believers for their reception of the Gospel message, highlighting the joy given by the Holy Spirit that accompanied their faith. Their transformed lives served as a powerful testimony to the surrounding regions. They turned away from idols to serve the living and true God, and this transformation was undeniable.
This passage underscores that our ethos is not only about what we say but, more importantly, how we live our lives. The Thessalonian believers' ethical conduct and genuine transformation served as a persuasive apologetic in and of itself. In the midst of suffering, they lived out their faith authentically, and their actions spoke louder than words.
Walk the Talk:
The adage "actions speak louder than words" is especially relevant in Biblical Apologetics. The way we live our lives, both in public and private, is of the utmost importance. People are often skeptical of what they hear, especially in a world filled with various belief systems and worldviews. They will not be convinced of the truth of the Gospel solely through eloquent arguments or persuasive rhetoric if our lives do not align with the message we proclaim.
Consider the life of the apostle Paul as a prime example. Throughout his ministry, Paul consistently walked the talk. His actions mirrored his preaching, and as a result, his testimony never lost its power. People could see that his faith was not a mere intellectual pursuit but a profound transformation of heart and character. Paul's ethos, his moral integrity and consistency, reinforced the credibility of his apologetic efforts.
In the field of Biblical Apologetics, our ethos is our secret weapon. It is the undeniable proof of the transformative power of the Gospel. People are not only looking for compelling arguments; they are also seeking authenticity and integrity in those who proclaim their faith. By imitating the Thessalonian believers and following the example of figures like the apostle Paul, we can demonstrate the genuine, life-changing impact of our faith. When our walk aligns with our talk, we present a compelling case for Christianity, defending our faith with not just words but with lives transformed by the power of Christ.
When engaging in Biblical Apologetics, it's essential to understand the significance of ethos – the credibility and moral character of the person presenting the faith. Without a doubt, our ethos plays a central role in defending our faith effectively. To illustrate this point, let's explore two key aspects:
Apostle Paul's Example:
In 1 Thessalonians 1:6-9, we find an excellent example of how our ethos impacts the effectiveness of our apologetic endeavors. Paul commends the Thessalonian believers for their reception of the Gospel message, highlighting the joy given by the Holy Spirit that accompanied their faith. Their transformed lives served as a powerful testimony to the surrounding regions. They turned away from idols to serve the living and true God, and this transformation was undeniable.
This passage underscores that our ethos is not only about what we say but, more importantly, how we live our lives. The Thessalonian believers' ethical conduct and genuine transformation served as a persuasive apologetic in and of itself. In the midst of suffering, they lived out their faith authentically, and their actions spoke louder than words.
Walk the Talk:
The adage "actions speak louder than words" is especially relevant in Biblical Apologetics. The way we live our lives, both in public and private, is of the utmost importance. People are often skeptical of what they hear, especially in a world filled with various belief systems and worldviews. They will not be convinced of the truth of the Gospel solely through eloquent arguments or persuasive rhetoric if our lives do not align with the message we proclaim.
Consider the life of the apostle Paul as a prime example. Throughout his ministry, Paul consistently walked the talk. His actions mirrored his preaching, and as a result, his testimony never lost its power. People could see that his faith was not a mere intellectual pursuit but a profound transformation of heart and character. Paul's ethos, his moral integrity and consistency, reinforced the credibility of his apologetic efforts.
In the field of Biblical Apologetics, our ethos is our secret weapon. It is the undeniable proof of the transformative power of the Gospel. People are not only looking for compelling arguments; they are also seeking authenticity and integrity in those who proclaim their faith. By imitating the Thessalonian believers and following the example of figures like the apostle Paul, we can demonstrate the genuine, life-changing impact of our faith. When our walk aligns with our talk, we present a compelling case for Christianity, defending our faith with not just words but with lives transformed by the power of Christ.
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