Join us at Landmark Church for

Easter Sunday

What's so special about Easter Sunday?

Easter Sunday is celebrated biblically as the day when we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, as described in the New Testament of the Bible. According to the Gospels, Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, and three days later, on Easter Sunday, he rose from the dead, demonstrating his victory over sin and death. This event is the cornerstone of the our faith, symbolizing hope, redemption, and the promise of eternal life for believers. Easter Sunday serves as a joyous reminder of God's love and the power of resurrection, celebrated with prayers, hymns, and the gathering of believers worldwide.

We want to see you, in person, on Easter Sunday!

We have 3 gathering times on Easter. Here are our times:

7AM • 9AM • 11AM

At the 9am & 11am gatherings we'll have both the Children's Ministry & Jr. High Bible Study available. The 7am gathering will be family friendly.

What to expect?

Sermonette • Special Music • Worship • & More

A (much) shorter sermon, kind of like a devo.
Special Music
Solos that help musically stir the heart to remembrance & thankfulness.
A time of singing praise songs, corporately, to our Lord.
& More
You’ll just have to come and see.

Away for Easter & Can't Join Us In-Person?

Use the button below & save the link to watch live.

You don't have to just visit on Easter, you can visit us anytime!

We want to invite you to plan a visit to Landmark! It's a great way to gauge if our church is right for you, connect with other believers, and be fed by the Word of God.